Friday, December 30, 2011

Fanart, as promised

Look, I actually drew what I said I would! Let's start out with something easy, hm? Here's my version of FemShep from the Mass Effect series:
Karina Shepard: Earthborn/Sole Survivor, Paragon, Adept, has a difficult face to draw seriously, hence the smirk.

I tried my hand at sketching Garrus. It was fun but supah messy. For some reason I didn't appreciate Garrus until my second playthrough. Now we are bros for life and I pretty much take him on every mission.

Here's one with less linework.
After the insane sketchiness of Garrus I decided to draw a neater version of Thane Krios.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Oh, I was supposed to post some Mass Effect fanart? Right, well here's a drawing of Sherlock Holmes instead. 

Obviously someone went to the theater the other day. While I must admit this second film wasn't quite as thrilling as the first, I did enjoy the err--visuals. Creepin' on attractive men aside, that franchise really does have stunning visual effects! I was bummed we couldn't stay for all of the credits. Perhaps later I'll try my hand at drawing Jude Law again. But given my current record of predicting drawings it'll probably be Pokemon or hippos or something like that.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

boys, boys, boys

As promised, here are some dudes to go with those big-eyed dames I drew yesterday. For some reason I decided to use flat colors instead of the watercolor brush I was using yesterday. Maybe because these are macho men and they don't have time for no stinkin' opacity! Haha (no).

"--the fuck?"

D'aww, who wouldn't trust that cute little smirk? 

ohoho someone is a creepah. But he's harmless, really. 
My color palettes got more organized as I went, slowly transforming from a haphazard array of dots to a nicely arranged value system! Hoorah!
Now I feel like doing some fanart. Just finished up another playthrough of Mass Effect to prepare for the holiest of days, March 6, 2012, so expect some ME-related doodles in the near (most likely post-Christmas) future!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Exciting news and contemplations!

Just to keep things EVEN MORE exciting, I shall change the order of addressed issues given in the title. Here is your contemplation:
She just screams the word "hmm", doesn't she? Not literally of course, as she actually appears to be a rather quiet individual. 
As you can see, I've been drawing characters with these very large eyes lately and I'm pleased with the adorable results. Unfortunately, my good scanner is locked away in my dorm over the holidays so I had to redraw my favorites digitally. What a (fun) hassle! Here are some more inquisitive ladies:
Whatta punk! This one might be my favorite.

Le gasp!


I don't know why she's so sad, her fro is freakin' awesome.
And now for the exciting news I mentioned earlier: I've recently been accepted into a very competitive communication design program! It is a very humbling/traumatic experience to put your work out there with 165 other people that want the exact same thing as you, but I can't say I'm unhappy with the results.

But enough humblebrag--stay tuned for some more big-eyed sketches, this time of some boys! Yay, boys!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas cards

I offered to whip up some Christmas cards for my mom's friends at the office this year. Here's some that turned out alright. They're rather small (2.5" x 3.5") but feel free to print them and give them to your friends! Or even your enemies if you're into that "kill 'em with kindness" sort of deal.

Welcome, one and all, and any number in-between!

Recently I decided that my drawings were getting lonely without the warm embrace of the internet and I decided to give them a quaint little home via a sketch blog. There's no set update schedule, but I'll try to keep things fairly active. So if you've a penchant for doodles of dogs, robots, and generally silly faces, drop in every now and then and take a gander!