Thursday, December 22, 2011

boys, boys, boys

As promised, here are some dudes to go with those big-eyed dames I drew yesterday. For some reason I decided to use flat colors instead of the watercolor brush I was using yesterday. Maybe because these are macho men and they don't have time for no stinkin' opacity! Haha (no).

"--the fuck?"

D'aww, who wouldn't trust that cute little smirk? 

ohoho someone is a creepah. But he's harmless, really. 
My color palettes got more organized as I went, slowly transforming from a haphazard array of dots to a nicely arranged value system! Hoorah!
Now I feel like doing some fanart. Just finished up another playthrough of Mass Effect to prepare for the holiest of days, March 6, 2012, so expect some ME-related doodles in the near (most likely post-Christmas) future!

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